Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h, ...NUTZ!

At the beginning of the bread making process, I do this:
  1. Put some warm water in a bowl or kettle.
  2. Sprinkle the yeast in it.
  3. Add about a teaspoon of sugar to help the yeast get all 'happy'.
  4.  Watch for the mixture to get a bit frothy (bubbly), then proceed. 
Recently, I did #1, #2, and #3.  Then, I sort of skipped #4 because I got busy with something else for a while.  This is what happens when you skip #4:

Drum Roll (I mean, DUMB Roll!)...

All............... better!  
As in track talk, it was now time to return to the blocks and start over!

P.S.  I am happy to say this is the first time this has happened to me, and I'm happy that I could laugh at myself.  Still, step #4 should NOT be skipped!


  1. How did that happen exactly? I have never seen anything like it!

  2. April, bakers are NOT supposed to see anything like this happen! LOL!!!!! It happened because the mixture of water/sugar and yeast activated WAY TOO MUCH before I added it to the other ingredients (including flour). And, I might add, once the yeast OVER-acted like this, it did NOT work to scrape this back into the kettle and proceed. Probably because it had over-worked itself before it was supposed to? Because it was all 'pooped out'? I conclude that because the little loaves of wheat bread ended up being 'heavy enough' to use as WEAPONS! Still, against my own opinion, my husband insisted they were 'okay' and 'edible'. If I'd still had our flock of chickens, they could have had a wheat bread feast!!! LOL!!!! Thanks for stopping by. Doris

  3. I didn't know yeast could do that! My husband said the same thing when my bread fell! I was thinking about getting chickens, but don't know too much about taking care of them. Any suggestions on what kind of breed would be best or how to care for them?

  4. My daughters know more about chicken breeds than I do. But!, it's my opinion that if you want more 'calmness' along with peaceful easy listening 'chicken talk' throughout your yard (and brown eggs), I would NOT choose Leghorns because I think of them as being 'flighty, nervous Nellies'!!!! (For 8 years, I helped a chicken farmer who had 10,000 Leghorn layers-- talk about 'high strung'!!!!) The chickens pictured on the top/right of my blog were of the kind that got to be 'buddy-like' when you're out and about. In summary, I personally prefer chickens that don't leave you a cloud of dust/feathers each time something moves quickly. In spite of their 'high spirited' make-up, though, some say Leghorns ARE the way to go for the highest egg production. (?)

  5. Oh,... about caring for chickens. We just have a sectioned-off 'room' in a farm building-- their nesting box is affixed to the wall and they have access to as much feed/water as they want. They like to sleep 'in the air' so they have a 'raised area' (roost)in there that they fly up to at 'bedtime'. Early each morning, we'd open their little door and they had full run of the farm until it was time for 'bedtime', again. For the most part, they'd go in all alone in the late afternoon, so we could lock the door. Once in a great while, there'd be a 'wise acre' that had to be 'guided in'. If you do a search on the Internet on raising chickens, you'll find more information and advice than you'll ever be able to read. Helpful information. Good luck.
