Saturday, December 3, 2011

Granny's Cut Out Sugar Cookies

A lot of people make these cookies only at this time of the year, but I think they 'fit' for ANY time of the year--

Ah, regards to making cut out sugar cookies, has this ever happened to you?  You get excited to make cut out sugar cookies and then want to be done BEFORE you're done?  There's so much cutting, so much baking, so much frosting/decorating!  Well,... years ago, my sister Nadine (a devout baker) gave me her set of HUGE cookie cutters-- tree, horse, chicken, gingerbread boy, circle/ball, and wreath shaped.  

Below: The BIG tree cutter makes a tree 8+ inches in height, while my regular sized tree cookie is just 4-inches.  

You can see in the picture below how the BIG ones compare to the size of my regular cutters.  IF I'm in a hurry, I could grab the biggies and get 'er done quickly, huh! (The one-pound butter box is to show a size comparison.)

Below: Three horses, two lions and one chicken--  all in yellow!
Below:  Of all the cookie cutters I have, I've probably used the cutter the most-- it works for ALL YEAR LONG because someone is always doing something that deserves  a 'sweet' ♥-felt thank you!!!

Yes, I really HAVE included the actual recipe in this posting, but, first, here is a picture of a SUPER special time I had with grandchildren while making these cookies in years gone by...
This "Granny's Sugar Cookie" recipe was handed out at a Tupperware party back in the late 70's or early 80's and it's been the one that works best for me.  Through the years, I've come across other recipes that claim to be "Best Ever", or "World's Best", or "Greatest Sugar Cutout Cookie Ever!", etc. and decided to give them a try.  Why?  Just so I could slap my head afterwards, I guess!  I've come to the conclusion that if YOU have a favorite recipe for certain things, there must be a good reason and I encourage you to call it your 'old faithful'.  For ME, this is my 'faithful' for making cutout cookies.
Ingredients & Directions:

Cream together:  1/2 cup butter and 1 cup granulated sugar

Blend in:  1 large egg, slightly beaten

Sift together and add to the above mixture:  2 cups all purpose flour,
2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla.

Divide dough into two parts, cover each with plastic wrap.  Chill 1 to 2 hours so it will be easier to handle.  Before I start rolling the dough, I work each 'ball of dough' in my hands to warm it just a little bit.

Roll dough, one part at a time, on a lightly floured piece of Saran Wrap, freezer paper, or waxed paper to 1/8" thickness and cut, cut, cut away!

Transfer cut outs to cookie sheet (I always bake on parchment paper from Paula) and bake in preheated 375-degrees oven for 6-7 minutes or until there is just the slightest tinge of brown around edges.  Watch your first batch closely and determine correct time for YOUR oven.

 Enjoy these cookies plain, or decorate with either of the two icing options below (some bakers prefer to frost with Royal Icing).  This recipe makes 2-3 dozen cookies, depending on the size of the cutters.

I'm going to list THREE different icing options.  Today, on the cookies  pictured here, I used the Option 1 (below).  My favorite, though, is probably Option 3 because it makes STACKING these cookies SO easy/neat.

1.  ICING:
1 tablespoon slightly melted butter
2 and 1/2 cups sifted powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 tablespoons milk (one tablespoon at a time until it's of the consistency you desire-- if you want it even thinner, add only a teaspoon at a time.)
Scant drop of food coloring


2.  GLAZE:  Blend together 1 cup sifted  (or screened) powdered sugar, 5 to 6 teaspoons water and a few drops of vanilla.   If you want 'color', add a single drop of food coloring at a time.   Brush glaze over cookies while still warm and quickly add sprinkles if desired.  After the cookies are left in single layer for a day, they can be easily packed/stacked (a single layer of waxed paper between layers is good).


3.  ICING THAT HARDENS:  Blend together 2 cups SIFTED powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon light colored Karo Syrup, 1 tsp. vanilla, and enough milk to get the 'spreadability' you want.  Color as desired, adding just one drop of food coloring at a time.  Sprinkle toppings, as desired.  This icing will harden after a while.
Come, sit for a while-- I'll grab some more mugs...

Rick gave me the "I ♥ Mom" cup back in 1988 (I know exactly when, 'cuz I wrote that on its bottom!).

Above:  Some little girls seem to like 'pink everything'-- years back, little Heather had some of the "My Pony" ponies.  I think their bodies were white or purple, but the white one had a pink bushy tail(?).  Here, I've made two all-pink ponies-- one by using the giant sized cutter, and the other with the regular.

Bye, bye!

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