Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Pickled Foods (from Judy N.)


Select small, young beets, cook until tender, dip into cold water.  Peel off skins.  Make the following syrup:

2 cups sugar
2 cups water
2 cups strong white vinegar
1 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon allspice
1 TABLESPOON cinnamon

Pour over beets and boil 10 minutes  Pack into sterilized canning jars and seal at once.



1 quart white vinegar
1 tablespoon whole cloves
1 tablespoon whole allspice
1 tablespoon mace
1 quart sugar
Stick of cinnamon

Boil young carrots until skins slip.  Remove skins, slice or leave whole.

Combine the spices in a little cheesecloth bag.   Heat the "pickling mixture" until boiling hot.

Pour boiling hot syrup made of vinegar, sugar and "bagged" spices over the carrots.  Let stand overnight, then bring to boil and boil for 5 minutes.  Remove sp;ices and pack carrots into clean canning jars.  Fill to within 1/2 inch of top of jar with the hot spiced syrup.  Put on cap, screwing the band "firmly tight".  Process 10 minutes in water bath. 


Choose sound crab apples uniform in size.  Do not peel them.  Make a spiced syrup by heating together:

1 quart white vinegar.
3 cups water.
4 cups sugar.
1 tablespoon EACH of cinnamon, and cloves.
1 teaspoon EACH of mace and allspice.
Crab apples.

Tie spices loosely in cheesecloth bag.  This is enough syrup for about 5 pints.  When cool, add crab apples, and heat slowly, being careful not to burst the fruit.  Let stand in syrup overnight.  Next morning remove spice bag and pack apples without reheating into clean canning jars, and fill to within 1/2 inch of top of jar with syrup.  Put on cap, screwing the band "firmly tight" .  Process in water bath at simmering temperature (180-degrees) for 20 minutes.

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