Milkmaid's Recipe Box

FOOD, FOOD, FOOD! I'm such a FARMER at heart-- even a CALF knows that so much in life is about the FOOD! (A bit of a "bio" about me can be found way down near the bottom.)

You can find a recipe index entitled "Labels" down along the right side, starting below the picture of the farm. Then, below the "Label" list are pictures of some of my old "standbys"-- click on their picture and it should take you to the recipe.

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Run that by me, one more time....

Today, I made 'repeaters' because,... well,... just because!  

Sun was rising outside,--

In front (above) is my 'repeater' Broccoli & Ham Quiche. The recipe for that is listed in this blog under 'Breakfast'. I ♥ IT!

And, . . . 
 Another SIX loaf batch of Nadine's Bread that's listed under the heading of "Bread"...

 With the smell of these 'beauties' baking, 
I had a very aromatic home!  

So,... dat's dat!


  1. Thanks, Sue! Some-day, I'm going to TRY doing the braiding and 'twisting/turning' you are so great at with yeast doughs! (Talk about beautiful!, you have it down.)
