Milkmaid's Recipe Box

FOOD, FOOD, FOOD! I'm such a FARMER at heart-- even a CALF knows that so much in life is about the FOOD! (A bit of a "bio" about me can be found way down near the bottom.)

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sugar Cookies w/Jelly Candies

♥ These cookies make up well for Valentine's Day treats, or for whatever day you choose! ♥

Using red 'jelly hearts', I made up 
two batches of these lately-- 
mainly, to give away.  

Above, you can see that the cookies are only lightly browned around their edges when I remove them from the oven... 

In the picture above, I show the Farberware brand of  'cookie scoop' I use for making the cookie balls (because the dough is so soft and sticky).  I bake them on parchment paper.  I also show a kind of dessert cup that has a patterned footed bottom which works well for first dipping into sugar and then lightly flattening the balls before I press a jelly kind of candy into their top.

I first got this recipe from a book given to me by the Rochester Silo Company back in 1978-- the year we had our 16x60' silo put up.  It was put together by people associated with their company in one way or another.  This is a very (VERY) delicate kind of cookie.  Not all candies will bake well on this cookie, but the sugared jelly kind do! You can use jelly hearts for Valentines Day (or, for 'thank you' cookies), green jelly leaves, red and green sugared jelly rings for Christmastime, colored big or small jelly gum drops, etc.  Here's the recipe (in my oven, the cookies baked for 12 minutes-- check your first batch)...
It's time to have a cookie!...
In the 80's and early 90's when we still had children in school, these cookies were a favorite and often RE-requested.  These are a very 'delicate 'kind of cookie and, in my opinion, would not be a good cookie to send 'traveling' through the mail.)

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