Milkmaid's Recipe Box

FOOD, FOOD, FOOD! I'm such a FARMER at heart-- even a CALF knows that so much in life is about the FOOD! (A bit of a "bio" about me can be found way down near the bottom.)

You can find a recipe index entitled "Labels" down along the right side, starting below the picture of the farm. Then, below the "Label" list are pictures of some of my old "standbys"-- click on their picture and it should take you to the recipe.

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Warmer 'thing'

My Uncle Fred, into his 90's, was aways thinking of ways to share the kinds of things (gadgets) that he liked in his own kitchen.  Thus, I ended up with a gadget just like his and I REALLY like it-- it's something I use A LOT!!
When something on the burner is 'done' and the other burners are still 'busy', or when I just want to make sure something stays warm without further cooking, it's so easy to grab this little metal thing.
As you can see in the next picture, it is two layers of metal with an air pocket in between...

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